Marketing in the South Pacific

There is much to be said about the South Pacific as a (thriving, growing or emerging) market. We need marketing strategies in order to capitalize on the opportunities inherent here. Many of us have tried to emulate the models presented by our counterparts in Australia or the USA but more times than not, we fail to due to lack of understanding from our employers. They don't realize the opportunities that are available in our markets. As such they do not provide us the resources that we need in order to optimize our potential. In order for marketing to work and make a difference first, you need to understand the forms of marketing and what will suit your business best. After all, we spend money to make money. There are many opportunities from online marketing to street smarts these are a few tips that will help any keen entrepreneur hit the target audience each time. The following are excellent strategies that are often either overlooked or underused, but I feel that their value in a successful marketing strategy is immeasurable.
Target Marketing Most marketing experts will say that you need to create adverts that will suit your target market but how do you know what your target market is? Is it based on their Salary? Age? Social Status? I find that my target market for any particular product can change rapidly or remain the same for an entire quarter. In a marketing campaign it is important to be fluid, not stagnant. The key is in your mind we need to be aware of the changes in all levels of our demographic and potential demographics. Don't get comfortable with what you have! Yes, run those adverts that work for the ages of 30-45 but also take a risk and approach the younger viewers more times than not you will find that they are also readily available to experience something new. Another benefit of trying new strategies is that your competition will be left thinking "Now why didn't I think of that". This is important because if your competition is thinking this then so are your consumers. They are more likely to stay with a company that they feel aligned with. Alignment creates a special bond between the consumer and the company. This bond is not easily broken.
Social Media Now before you write me off think of how many people are using social media. People are using technology in new and fantastic ways because technology has changed the playing field. It is time for our marketing strategies to change with the times. People are tired of seeing the same adverts, written in the same way, over a large span of time. Most of your adverts may be lost to 80% of your target audience. So what do people want? Something different! Show them you are human! You like to have fun, you love adventure. In the travel industry I like to highlight not only reliability but also emotional states. Many people travel when they get married, but it doesn't end there. People go on vacations with their families and they get together for reunions. We aren't just selling travel or vacations, we are selling memories. People want to see the human element. They trust people like them to create their memories, not faceless businesses. So show your human side have a costume party, tag all your friends! Show them you are a family! Show them that your team gets along both in and out of the office. Show them that you are committed to each other just as you profess to be committed to them. People will look at the connections that you have with your co-workers as indicative of your relationship with them. Make them see how warm, loving and fun you can be. Let them see that you are in the business of creating memories. Artistic Freedom Now what pray tell does this have to do with Marketing? Simple. Everyone has their own unique flare you need to figure out how to utilize the flare that your people possess. What makes a real estate person easier to trust in getting your home sold than your uncle who knows a few millionaires? Freedom. Freedom is paramount in the exchange of ideas. When you really boil it down sales and marketing are all about the exchange of ideas. In order for this to occur you need freedom. I noticed while talking to a real estate agent the other day that they get excited over the prospect of finding a buyer with you. Yes, I know, they are more interested in getting the commission but there is something magical to be gleaned from their level of excitement. They express themselves freely and likewise you should let your sales & marketing team do the same if you want them to reach the optimum level of success. Let them paint the walls if they have to, bring in a beanbag. Let them open their mind to the impossible! You will find that your sales will increase and in half the time it would take to implement a rigid sales strategy. It will also reduce the stress that your employees feel. If you have ever encountered someone who is stressed out you know that it is off putting. In sales it is important for your employees to feel that they can express themselves openly. If they are relaxed and happy the customers will sense that and be more drawn into them.
I could go on and on about what the South Pacific Businesses could do to increase their share in the overseas Market but I believe in keeping it to the point so I am ending here, wishing you a prosperous week!
Chloe Wong-Dimau.